David Gray

David Gray [1838-1861]was a Scottish poet, who was born on 29 January 1838 at Duntiblae-on-Banks of Luggie, Kirkintilloch, Dunbartonshire, the eldest of the eight children of David Gray, hand-loom weaver, and his wife, Ann, née Cloggie. In his childhood the family moved to the neighbouring hamlet of Merkland. He lived a very brief life and died after contracting Consumption at the tender age of twenty three.

Here are links to free high quality Poetry books by the Author

The Luggie [And Other Poems] [by David Gray] [1862]

Poems [by David Gray] [1865]

Poetical Works [A New And Enlarged Edition] [by David Gray] [1874]

In The Shadows [by David Gray] [1920]

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